Saturday, September 10, 2011

Mom, Duke, Jensen and I went down to Columbus last weekend to help Becky and Jaimie sell their T-shirts at the ohio Womyn's Fest. We had such a wonderful time- there was such a positive happy vibe all day and the kids were angelic, which is all you can really ask for in a Saturday, if you ask me!

Their T-shirts are a hit wherever they go! It's been really fun to watch the progression!


Jensen was obsessed with this unbrella- we were just sure it was going to be a rainy mess, so I put pants on everyone, and brought two different pairs of of shoes for both of them- changes of pants, two different coats for each (a rain jacket and heavy coat) I was running around looking for hats and gloves, which I couldn't find, and was slightly stressed about, and to top it off an umbrella for myself, grandma, and Jensen...

And then it was stupid hot.
Jensen said he needed to open the umbrella to keep the sun off.

I rolled my jeans to my knees and sweat through my shirt...

But we had a grand old time- Jaimie and Jensen are best of friends so of course he shared his umbrella...

It's actually harder to get him to not smile...

Here are the girls in front of their booth. So proud of them...

Aaaand Jensen with the tongue and pirate eye...

It was that hot... but we couldn't take the shirt off cause he was awesome advertising...

"Whacha readin' Grandma...?"

I've decided that we don't spend enough time outside...and now I have poison ivy all over me...


Perusing the merchandise..

Okay- so there was an arm-wrestling tournament going on. After the first one some girl who happened to be at the booth started talking about it and I mentioned that after carrying Duke around all day that I should enter. She goes,
"If you will, I will!" And before I know that I opened my mouth I say,

So this is me going over to put my name on the list...(?!)

And this is me thinking, "what the heck am I doing??"

And this is Jensen...being Jensen.

And Duke (and his new best friend who was so cool and I found out that she is a doula who specializes in hypnobirthing, which is the technique that I used having D that is so amazing and I'm really hoping to be able to have her around when I have my next one...someday...) being Duke...

And new friends waiting for my turn...

And then they called, "Sara the Slammer!"

And this is me making a Jensen face when they said "GO!" Still thinking, "What the heck...??"

And this is me winning the match...

(Though not without her not giving up for like five minutes and totally wearing me out...)

And Duke...

And this is me saying, "Oh my gosh, I'm totally spent, I can't do this again!" for round two.


And this,

is me,

winning round two.

And this is the post match pep talk... and Duke.

And this is round three and me looking at her short little arm thinking, "wait a minute, why can't I straighten my wrist? Her arm doesn't stretch!" Which was the preface to a long match which I lost. But then one other girl beat her and it was all over- so I feel like I did pretty well for myself...

Jensen in his tent.


Duke. Making friends, getting free rainbow bears...

This was while mom and I ate dinner on that hay bale, listening to live music--the boys having a grand ol' time into the evening.

And three seconds after getting buckled in.
It was a great day!

1 comment:

Laura said...

Duke looks SO much like you!