Here we have some pictures for the Grandpas. For Gramps to see Jence in his gear, and for Grandpa Ron to be assured that he is still acting like a boy, for all his coloring and piano playing...

The guys watching the Georgia game at the Gibbs' house. They got the boys to start yelling "Juh-jah!" They are all ready to move!
Jensen giving T some hugs... which is fun until Tristan has something Jence wants and the same hug become a deadly crocodile roll...

Alex and me outside at midnight lighting off fireworks with our wonderful neighbors. Don't look too close, the picture is really blurry.

Brittany, Daniel, and Tristan came over to celebrate New Years with us. Jensen loves Brittany, I'm not sure if he always wants up on her lap because he likes her so much or if he just wants to annoy Tristan...
I put up streamers everywhere (including on the Christmas tree) but you can't see them from this angle (except in the top left corner of the picture, hanging off the light.)

We got Gramps' presents in the mail, he included a few Santa left at his house- of which was a wrench set to add to my tool box!

Jence got a Cleveland Indians windbreaker set. He and I were both excited about that. Depending on where I live I may sway on the Browns and the Cavs, but I will
always be an Indians girl!

"uuuuh" = up

Enthralled by Mama Mia- (okay, so maybe not such a boy thing...)
Post bath.

Post caring to keep the towel on.
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